Lloyd Gilbertson
John: 4 year old, 57 pound male. He is a 3/16 pointer out of Ram and Ithaca. John has a good coat that is suitable for distance racing as well. …
Ram - 2000(L)
Lloyd & Mary Gilbertson
Mike - 1994
Egil Ellis
Hop - 1999
Sandy Saunderson
Sailor - 1988
Ron Carson
Frisky - 1988
Sandy Saunderson
Ithaca - 1997(L)
Lloyd & Mary Gilbertson
Rocca - 1990
Harvey & Linda Drake / Leonard
Fearless - 1983(L)
Harvey & Linda Drake / Leonard
Thor - 1980(L)
Harvey Drake
Jodi - 1977(L)
Harvey Drake
Candy - 1981
Gareth Wright
Rusty - 1977
Gareth Wright
Pluto - 1986
Bruce - 1977
Charly Champaine
Star - 1981
Gareth Wright