we have bred some of our best dogs off our winning teams from the past seasons.
current list of pups and breedings avaiable upon request.
act fast- limited to first come first serve.
come to the most dominating kennel in the history of the sport- Streeper Kennels
Grand slam winners of dog racing - Anchorage- Fairbanks- The Pas- Laconia- Yellowknife- Wyoming- Cross Lake-
13 x world champions-
10 x Canadian Open Champions
6x Canadian Dog derby Champions
6x and undefieted in stage race formats - numerous 1st and 2nd place showings in 300 mile events;\
we are the only Kennel in the world to have beat all of the sports top mushers including: Lance Makey, Doug Swingley, Jeff King, Egil Ellis, Kevin Cook, Ed Streeper, George Attla, Joee Redington, Bill Kormuller, Jennifer Probert, Keith Bryar, Real Trumel, Neil Johnson, Ross Saunderson, Richard Beck.