Nancy Reagan - 2006
Kelly Jo Engle
beautiful dog, high energy, with a sweet disposition pretty lope like the rest of the republicans, very fast when free running with the others, runs on the thin side, little …
Jackson - 2000
Lloyd & Mary Gilbertson
Arleigh - 1998
Lloyd & Mary Gilbertson
Victor - 1990
Sandy Saunderson
Lloyd & Mary Gilbertson
Rebar - 1999(L)
Doug Swingley
Peppy - 1993(L)
Doug Swingley
Elmer - 1991(L)
Doug Swingley
Mike Holtz
Doug Swingley
Peppy - 1993(L)
Doug Swingley
Stormy - 1993(L)
Doug Swingley