Andy - 2010
A. Reynolds
Has raced in both the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race and ONAC with Jeff Conn. Sired by Eric Lanser's super star race winning open class leader, PINE.
Pine - 2002(L)
Eric Lanser
Tyler - 1993(L)
Eric Lanser
Swaps - 1982(L)
Gary Edinger
Bernie Turner
Poker - 2000
Eric Lanser
Mike - 1994(L)
Egil Ellis
Jade - 1998
Eric Lanser
Sunny - 2008
Arleigh And Donna Reynolds
Kyle - 1999(L)
Arleigh Reynolds
T. Killam
Sol - 2004
Arleigh And Donna Reynolds
Fran - 2001
Joee Redington