Elim - 2005
Casey Boulter
Eats and drinks well, nice strong male, very friendly. He is currently running with the main team. $200
Stump - 1999(L)
Doug Swingley
Peppy - 1993(L)
Doug Swingley
Elmer - 1991(L)
Doug Swingley
Mike Holtz
Fresca - 1996
Doug Swingley
Vicking - 1993
Ross Saunderson
Flash - 1988
Gareth Wright
Gost - 2001(L)
Jacque Philip
Tyrol - 1993
Jeff Conn
Sailor - 1988
Ron Carson
Brady - 1990
Drake / Leonard
Haines - 1996
J & M Philip
Lois - 1992
Hawaii - 1994
J & M Philip